Welcome to teacher's tonic

Welcome to my blog. I am a teacher who is committed to keeping my teaching fresh, my approach to learning informed and my classroom practice high quality. My aim is to provide readers of this blog with some insights direct from my classroom. I'll blog about activities and approaches I have used that I think are worth sharing. I'll also blog about plans I have to turn ideas into practical activities and update with insights into whether or not these worked. This is a blog for the thinking teacher.

Friday, 17 June 2011

The value of recall testing in the modern classroom

According to research carried out by the University of Washington (Roediger, Karpicke 2006) "Taking a memory test not only assesses what one knows, but also enhances later retention". The study in question showed that participants who undertook several recall tests retained more information (long term) than participants who completed further study of the material without taking the further recall tests. What can we - or rather students - do with this information in and outside of the classroom? The modern teacher, committed to providing students with opportunities for deep learning and extension may have turned their back on simple recall tasks to assess retention of concepts, especially at A Level. In the words of the researchers "testing is a powerful means of improving learning, not just assessing it". As teachers we often try to encourage students to test themselves regularly, to improve retention and future learning, but this finding might just give this advice a bit more weight!

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